Article archive

January 6, 2015 Without Me, death of the body and the soul would claim the entire human race

10/11/2023 15:48
My dearly beloved daughter, when a man turns his back on Me, I weep with great sorrow, but I Am Patient and Forgiving. If he rejects My Word and no longer shows love to others, which he would not do were he to follow in My Footsteps, this causes Me great pain. Still, I Am Patient in the hope he...

January 4, 2015 Those who exalt themselves before Me but speak evil of others will be cut off from Me.

10/11/2023 15:45
My dearly beloved daughter, if a man who does not believe in Me or My Word, and who is given the gift of discernment, comes to Me and asks Me for My Help and My Mercy, I will redeem him and give him salvation. If a man who knows Me but betrays Me, then comes to Me and tries to defend his actions, I...

January 3, 2015 Thunder and lightning will descend upon the Temple of the Lord

10/11/2023 15:42
My dearly beloved daughter, when God gave the world the Truth, through the prophets, it was an Act of Mercy on His part. So many had forgotten about God, adored false gods – which come from the hierarchy of Satan – that they began to believe in their own invincibility. Were it not for God’s...

January 3, 2015 Mother of Salvation: Many substitutions will take place until the new religion is eventually formed

10/11/2023 15:31
My dear children, the face of my Son’s Church on earth will change beyond recognition and will be substituted by one, which is not of my Son. Substitution after substitution will evolve as the Teachings of my Son will be turned upside down and replaced with false secular doctrines. There is no room...

January 1, 2015 The only danger to humanity is man himself

10/11/2023 14:27
My dearly beloved daughter, the person who perseveres in prayer will become closer to Me. With so much confusion in the world and amongst My Church on earth, the challenge for humanity is to be able to differentiate between right and wrong in the Eyes of God. But, for many Christians, they will be...

Our Lady of Mount Carmel - 16 july

16/07/2019 13:19
OUR LADY OF CARMEN, Patroness of sailors and fishermen In Spain, Puerto Rico and Costa Rica is patron saint of the sea, is also patron saint of the Spanish Navy. She is considered Queen and Patroness of Chile, its Armed Forces and Carabineros; She is patroness of the National Police, the National...

PRAYER VIGIL (English, French)

30/12/2018 23:49
*  IMPORTANT ENGLISH * In January: 8th/9th or 17th-181th follow us Leer más:      There is a great need for prayer to protect this Mission of  Salvation from further attacks by Satan,...

The Apparition of Our Lady at Knock, IRELAND

01/06/2017 12:42
  The Apparition of Our Lady at Knock, Ireland In Knock, Thursday 21 August 1879, began in a very ordinary way. People made the most of the dry weather by working outdoors. They saved hay, brought turf from the bog, aired bedding and hung clothes out to dry. Once her work was done, Mary...

18 dec 2012 Virgin Mary: All those who promote abortion and who are responsible for it being introduced are guilty of mortal sin

02/01/2017 23:02
Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 @ 18:45 My dear child, the most sacred Creation of My beloved Father, the life of those babies in the womb, is to be destroyed a millionfold all over the world. The evil one has influenced governments in all parts of the world to ensure that abortion is not only...

Messages Regarding Christmas

24/12/2016 11:26
  Crusade of Prayer (15) Thanks for gift of Divine Mercy Monday, December 19th, 2011 @ 19:30 My dearest daughter how I wish that Christians everywhere will pay homage to My birth from the depths of their hearts. I fervently wish that the whole of humanity will allow My Holy Spirit to penetrate...
Items: 81 - 90 of 93
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