Article archive
November 15, 2010 The Second Coming
10/11/2023 19:04
Thank you, My daughter, for persevering in My Truth and understanding that My communication with you is very real. You will feel My Spirit in your body when I come to reveal to you My Divine Message necessary for mankind to understand in these times. I bring a Message of Pure Love and...
November 14, 2010 Sign of the End Times – But Glory will Return to Earth
10/11/2023 19:01
My dear daughter, do not feel guilty for the doubts you have felt today. This is natural. Your understanding of spiritual matters is not as strong as it should be, but that is okay.
I will guide you and you will understand, in time, the purpose of your Mission. I need you to keep strong in...
November 13, 2010 The Warning of Hell and the Promise of Paradise
10/11/2023 18:58
My beloved daughter, you have come through a terrible persecution, which I permitted to free your soul from the torments of Hell. You are now free and your spirit will enable you to spread My Word, so that mankind can be released from the suffering that awaits them, should they be so foolish as to...
November 12, 2010 (2) This Book will change lives and save souls
10/11/2023 18:49
Go ahead; do what needs to be done in order for people to see and hear My Divine Messages.
I trust you, dear daughter, to use whatever means you feel will ensure that people read the Messages. You need all your energy to write The Book. This Book* will change lives, save souls and has been...
November 12, 2010 (1) Sins are breaking My Sacred Heart
10/11/2023 18:47
Write this, My daughter. The hours are ticking. Do not ignore My request to publish My Warning to mankind.
There is a need now to repent. My children must hear My Warning now.
My daughter, communicate with Christian groups, first, to impart My pleas.Stay strong. I have chosen you for this...
November 11, 2010 (2) Second Message from the Virgin Mary
10/11/2023 18:44
You, my strong child of God, are very special. I will always work with you, for you have seen both sides of life here on Earth. You, my child, have to comprehend what God’s Work is all about.
Bless you, my loved one, and thank you. Yes, my sweet child, you have been given the graces for your...
November 11, 2010 Mankind faces final cleansing
10/11/2023 18:42
Yes my beloved daughter it is I. You and I will work side by side in preparing the world for the times facing mankind as the earth faces the final cleansing.It is important that this cleansing takes place for without it there can be no eternal life for My children.
There will be difficulties facing...
November 9, 2010 First Message received from Our Saviour Jesus Christ
10/11/2023 18:35
Behold the time is near for you to tell the world that Justice will befall all those who reject Me. My Mercy knows no bounds to all those who follow the Truth of My suffering on the Cross.
Joy to those of My followers who reject the temptations they are faced with every day. Others, who turned...
November 8, 2010 First Message from the Virgin Mary
10/11/2023 18:31
Received Monday 8th November 2010 3.30pm after saying the Rosary at Home (Announcing the future prophecies still to be received by private visionary, who had no idea as to what she was being asked to do at this point.)
My child, you have a responsible job to do and you must not let anyone...
January 7, 2015 Mother of Salvation: You either accept the Word of God, laid down by Him, or you do not
10/11/2023 15:51
My dear children, you must prepare for my Son’s Plans to redeem you all in His Eyes. His Time for Intervention, to awaken the spirit within you, is drawing close.
Pray, pray, pray for all the lost children in the world who have severed all links to my Son, although they were weaned on the Truth....
Items: 71 - 80 of 93