Article archive
November 24, 2010 Stairway to spiritual perfection
10/11/2023 19:26
Write this, My beloved daughter. Faith has a way of deserting My most devout followers when they least expect it. This is important, as it tests their faith, so that they will come back into My Heart, all the more strong for the experience. Fear not, this is a trial which I allow My children...
November 23, 2010 Warning of Nuclear War
10/11/2023 19:24
My daughter, you are suffering because of the Work you are doing on My behalf. The darkness you feel is coming from the deceiver, who strikes every hour through others – people you know – through his darkness – to attack you. Despite your feelings of despair, you are, in fact, being protected. He,...
November 22, 2010 The Great Warning – A Gift out of Mercy
10/11/2023 19:23
My beloved daughter, I Am so pleased at the way you follow My Words with complete faith and obedience. My Love for you is strong. So too, is your love for Me. You now feel Me very close to your heart. You are one with Me, now, My daughter. I, and My Eternal Father, as well as, the Holy Spirit – the...
November 21, 2010 Call to all Churches and Creeds to unite against Evil
10/11/2023 19:21
To My churches around the world, hear My call.
All you children and followers belong to Me. So many of you are following the teachings of your church and God the Creator of Mankind. That is good. Many of you interpret the Teachings of My Eternal Father in different ways. This has come about through...
November 21, 2010 Conversion
10/11/2023 19:19
Today, My daughter, I bring a Message of hope and peace to all of My children who may feel that these Messages have represented fear. Know that, for even those of you who find it difficult to believe in Me, My Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit, you must not worry.
Many of you, My dear children,...
November 20, 2010 Rise of Satanic Groups and World control
10/11/2023 19:17
My daughter, tell My children the serpent is about to spring. They must not allow themselves to fall into his evil trap, from which there is no return.
He, the serpent, has many guises. His followers, brainwashed with the promises of power and glory, by each other, are plotting now, to inflict a...
November 18, 2010 Message to Agnostics & Atheists
10/11/2023 19:15
To those who claim not to believe in Me, I have this to say.
Ask yourself this question:
Can you remember a time that you did? Think back to when you were a child, when you did believe in God. It does not matter what religion your parents followed. Did you believe? What changed? Was it influence by...
November 16, 2010 Cast all doubts aside
10/11/2023 19:13
Write this, My daughter. The doubts creeping into your mind are to be expected. Yes, you are being tempted to turn your head, but he, the deceiver, will never win you from Me. My beloved daughter, you are stronger than you think, because very few chosen souls would be able to deal with this great...
November 16, 2010 Warning to Clergy
10/11/2023 19:09
My daughter, you were rejected yesterday as people tried to put doubts in your mind. You suffered for this. Do not despair. My Word will be heard. You will face obstacles that will make you feel disillusioned with the Work.
My daughter, I Am guiding you. You must remember this and never forget My...
November 15, 2010 Global Power, The Anti-Christ and Mark of the Beast
10/11/2023 19:07
You are now realizing the Truth and accepting My Message, for what it is. Write this, My daughter. The speed at which the prophesies are unfolding is becoming evident for all to see. Watch the changes that will become apparent with My Church as one of the first signs.
This is when the...
Items: 61 - 70 of 93